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Healthcare Digital Marketing: Why Content Marketing Works
What is Healthcare Content Marketing? Healthcare content marketing, is a digital marketing strategy meant for healthcare professionals. The medical space is full of questions from your potential patients, making it the best way to market your services. The main...
The Truth About Automated Patient Check-In Systems
Automated patient check-in systems refer to software that streamlines the entire healthcare deployment system. They’re usually used in hospitals, clinics, or any other medical center that caters to a steady inflow of patients. When people think of healthcare...
Why the Customer Experience Matters in Your Clinic
With the medical industry having one of the worst reputations when it comes to the customer experience, clinics tend to exist out of necessity rather than customer satisfaction. While all businesses exist to alleviate a pain point, every other industry focuses on the...
Outsourcing vs Contracting
Outsourcing Vs. Partnership (Contracting) As your company begins to grow, you are going to find a need to hire more employees to cover the day-to-day tasks. The problem is, hiring employees can be expensive and time-consuming, and sometimes you only need them...
What Can Digital Marketing Do for Your Practice?
Your practice’s online presence can dramatically increase the number of patients you bring in. Social media accounts, email campaigns, and blog posts are just some ways you can increase trust with potential patients and establish yourself as a thought leader in your...
Take Human Resources Off Your Plate
As a clinic, you want to spend most of your time seeing patients, not mountains of paperwork on your desk. At Healthcare Management Resources (HMR), we can take care of all the non-patient-focused responsibilities, like compliance, billing, making a business plan, and...